Got any question or want to get in touch, just fill out this contact form with your details and comment and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
The Community Resource Centre accommodation is in continual demand to help support the services providing the care and support for the local and district community. The gym is doing well with all the activities in place and we are now looking at expanding the gym area to an open plan in order to make better use of the space we have and at the same time ensuring our instructors are able to observe all gym users. There is a crèche each Tuesday which give mothers a few hours to use the gym or any other pursuit they may have.
The Community Service Centre – First Sub Sea Ltd terminated their short lease of Unit 5. The other business clients however remain in place those being, Buchan Agricultural Consultants Ltd, Jules Photography, Buchan Dial-a-Community Bus (BDACB) and Venture Care and Support Group.
The Buchan Development Partnership with the help of the Maud Village Trust developed a Community Action Plan after holding an open day in June to get input from the community. This consultation formed the basis of which to publish the action plan. Unit 5 was filled for the open day with photos of the bygone days of Maud and the Mart. It proved to be so popular that the unit remained set up for people to come and view pictures on display.
The NEOS art exhibition was again held in the café and Unit 5 and was well supported by locals and visitors to the centre. The organisers were very pleased with the venue set up and delighted with the interest it received from their customers.
The café goes from strength to strength and is very popular, the photo display in Unit 5 and the NEOS Exhibition attracted customers which in turn has promoted the café.
The new garden/play area has started to look more matured, while the garden on Deer/Victoria looks well established.
The small area adjacent to the Service Centre still needs to be developed. There were a number of suggestions and ideas reviewed but most were either too expensive or not thought to be necessary at this time. We will therefore be tidying up the area in the near future by laying down hard core and making the area more presentable.
The Brighter Village Scheme - supported by Aberdeenshire Council, what with the good weather we have had throughout the summer and the hard work of our Village Orderly and volunteers we have had a lovely display from the plants and flowers in tubs, planters and gardens alike. We were happy to receive the 2nd Prize the Village in Bloom competition, the 1st prize still eludes us but we live in hope. Thanks once again go to all those have helped to maintain gardens, planters and grass areas to ensure our village looks good and welcoming.
The Trust Directors and Management Committee would like again to thank those who have helped and supported the Trust throughout the years and hope that the community will continue to use and enjoy the amenities that are provided.
Thank you.
Report prepared by P. Buckman – Director/Company Secretary. 01/10/13