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The Trust purchased the redundant cattle mart, from Aberdeen Northern Marts, with a 95% grant from the Scottish Land Fund. It was the intention of the Maud Village Trust Management Team to develop the redundant cattle market, for the benefit of the Maud and District Community. The Maud Village Trust is incorporated as a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital. The organisation is also a recognized Scottish charity, with are five directors and a small management team. To generate funds all the cattle pens and buildings were dismantled and sold off. Land was also sold to Cornerstone who purchased part of the site to build an accommodations unit for persons with special needs. .
The first project was to develop part of the land into a leisure garden which greatly improved the appearance of the site.
A Community Service Centre was built in 2006 and opened for business in May 2007, the first tenants being Buchan IT and Learning Services(Bites) and Buchan Dial a Community Bus.(BDACB) both charitable businesses. The other units are leased to Venture Support and Care, JS | Photography. A cafe (The Old Mart Cafe) was incorporate into one of the units and opened in 2010. Unfortunately Bites closed due to lack of funding in 2011 and the unit is now leased to Buchan Agricultural Consultants.
In 2006 the Trust was approached by the NHS who wished to build a Medical Resource Centre in central Buchan. The Trust took the view, that if it was to be built anywhere then the mart site was the place it should be. Negotiations took place and it was agreed that the building would be built on the Mart site with funding from the Scottish Ministers and the NHS. As part of the funding agreement the build had to be in the ownership of a community group and therefore the NHS handed to over to Maud Village Trust. The building was named The Old Mart Community Resource Centre was to be constructed for the purpose of a Community Resource Centre, designed to facilitate a multi agency support network for vulnerable people in the community and a range of activities and services which will benefit the overall health and wellbeing of the local community. It will be use by all health professions from the NHS and Aberdeenshire Council, social work and housing professionals, voluntary sector organizations and community groups. Include in the building is a gym which provides fitness for everyone.
In 2011 the start of the final phase began which featured car parking facilities for the Service centre and a garden / play area with equipment for the young and young at heart. There is a small area which still needs to be completed, development plans and funds to this proposals are being progressed.
The development of the Old Mart site has been a very time consuming but very rewarding project. Progress was slow at time but it is hoped hope that the results of the efforts put in will make a real difference not only to the appearance of the site but do what was set out to do “Put the Heart Back into Maud”.
Retired Teacher.
Director / Company secretary
Retire Oil Company Production Operations Manager. Lived in Maud for 33years closely involved with village organisation, Village Hall, the Village Playing Field and Community Association.
Trained as a nurse and moved to child care. After raising her family has become closely involved in Village activities and managed a pre-school playgroup for many years. She is currently a member of the New Deer Community Council.
Auctioneer / Land Surveyor, formerly an auctioneer and manager and of Maud Mart. Norman has been involved with village activities, a former founder member of the social club.
Farmer – Ian is locally born and brought up in Maud. He is a member of the New Deer NFU and is the present Chairman.