Got any question or want to get in touch, just fill out this contact form with your details and comment and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Work commenced a little later that expected on 6th July 2010 and a steady progress has been made since. The contractor for the work is the Seivwright Brothers and to date the site has been cleared and park areas, foot paths and play areas have been laid out. We are now waiting for the tarmac to be laid. Once that has been completed top soil will be spread and play equipment installed. The installer will be Aberdeenshire Council and there will be a play area for the young and another for the young at heart. The garden will be planted with shrubs and plants to encourage wild life such as birds, bees, butterflies and insects. Once completed this will give a totally new look to the centre of the Village and at the same time provide a pleasant area for everyone to enjoy.
The Community Resource Centre is operating well with the medical and social services being provided for. Rooms are continually being used for added medical services, meetings and community activities. The gym continues to flourish and proving to be very popular, it has around 500 members. The gym has run fund raising events for national charities such as Heart Foundation and Sports Relief which were very successful
The Community Service Centre now has three tenants they are Buchan IT and E-Learning Services (Bites) and Buchan Dial-a-Community Bus (BDACB) and Venture Care and Support Group. On the 29th June we opened the long awaited café to support the centres but mainly to provide for the community. It is early days but the impression is that the cafe is being well supported and provides good local food and a place to meet up with friends and family. The only other unit is being used twice a week as a crèche and is being rented on an adhoc basis to other organisations and a local photographer.
The gardens are maturing well and continue to add a welcome sight when entering the village and provide a very pleasant place to sit and enjoy.
Due to the increased activity the “200” Club was suspended for this year and may be restored in the future. There were a number of smaller fund raisers tombola, raffles and catering for sports relief and triathlon events that raised a total of £870.
We have been busy organizing the final phase which will almost complete the development of the Mart site since we commenced in 2002. There will be one small area adjacent to the Service Centre which will be built into a heritage/seating/garden area, however more funds will be needed to continue with this part of the project.
You can visit our web site and view the progress of the Trust and the services that are provided at
The Trust Directors and Management Committee would like to thank those who have helped and supported the development and hope that you use and enjoy all the amenities that are on offer.
Thank you.
Report prepared by P. Buckman – Director/Company Secretary. 01/10/10